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M o r n a D a r l i n g J e w e l l e r y
For enquiries about Morna Darling Jewellery or commissions please use the contact form below.
Thank you for your interest in my work. Please fill out the form below with any queries or alternatively email

New brooch getting ready to post off to _dpcjewellery for 'Brooched,' an exhibition of brooches from

Colour #blue #green #patination #sample #contemporaryjewellery #jewellery #studio #rainymonday

Sneak peak of a new necklace which will be on show _goldsmithsfair #goldsmiths15 #goldsmithsfair #lo

Designing new work for Goldsmiths' Fair #sketchbook #goldsmithsfair #goldsmiths2015 #design #blue #
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